Meet Lis Valle
As minister, doctor of philosophy of religion, and former lawyer, I help justice seekers to rest and heal through playful embodied spiritual disciplines so they can have the sustainable ministry they desire.

While you are laboring for justice and communal healing,
who is helping you heal?
Are you working to create a more just society?
Do you feel that you do not always fit the mold or that you have to hide parts of yourself?
Church tells you to not be political. Society tells you to leave God out of it. If you are an artist, a child at heart, or your identity does not conform the expectations of your church, you have to pretend to be a serious adult religious leader and contort yourself to fit the garment that they have given you. As the story goes, the tailor may have given you a suit that has one sleeve longer than the other or may have given you pants when you want to wear skirts. The tailor tells you how to adjust your body to the garment. You go out and everyone admires the garment and want to hire the tailor, when in reality, that garment is not good at all and you are putting all this extra energy and bodily work to look the part. It is a great burden to carry and while you carry it well, you deserve better.
You deserve to be you, whole and complete, and not wounded. Take a regular break from saving the world and join me where you can be your whole self and renew before burnout takes you out of commission! You will be able to help your loved ones for a longer period of time!
I accompany church leaders
and faithful activists just like you.
Breathe in Divine Wisdom.
Breath out your distress.
The world needs you to come alive
and I can teach you how.

“Me siento agradecida por este espacio porque siento que en las iglesias ‘normales’ no puedo estar cómoda o ser quien soy sin tener que limitarme mucho en lo que digo y escoger mis palabras mucho.”
– Amanda

“Thank you, Lis, for what you do and your ministry and your language y por el lenguaje que nos das para trabajar la liturgia.”
– Rev. Dr. Cristian de la Rosa

“What I get is exercising my imagination so that I can be imaginative when I am in other places.”
– Joanne